Coffee vs Tea - Caffeine 101
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Coffee vs Tea - Caffeine 101

The Benefits of Drinking Blooming Tea and Less Caffeine
People love their coffee, and many times they're not even drinking it for the taste as much as for the "jump-start" they get during the day. The US FDA states the average amount of caffeine consumed in the United States is approximately 300 mg per person per day.
Caffeine is a naturally occurring stimulant that stimulates brain function and metabolism. While some caffeine is okay for you, too much can be unhealthy.
Did you know the molecular structure of caffeine (chemical formula C8H10N402) shares a lot of traits with drugs like amphetamines, cocaine and heroin? So if you feel like your mind is racing after drinking too many cups of coffee, it's not your imagination.
There's a molecular reason causing it.
The effects of caffeine can vary from person to person. Cigarette smokers can metabolize caffeine twice as fast as a non-smoker. But if you are an infant, a pregnant woman or an individual with liver disease, you metabolize it much slower which can cause tremors, sleep difficulties and stress.
The Mayo Clinic states if you consume more than 500-600 mg of caffeine a day, insomnia, nervousness, irritability, muscle tremors and a fast heartbeat can occur. And consuming only 300 mg during pregnancy may increase the risk of low birth weight babies.
So what is it about Caffeine that makes people want to drink it in coffee, tea and soda, especially since it's an addictive substance? It's the dopamine. It is increased in our bodies when we drink it, which causes a sense of happiness and pleasure in our brains. Because it speeds up the nerve cell activity, it gives us a little boost, overcoming drowsiness and that "jump" in our bodies makes us feel the rush.
But as coffee drinkers know, what goes up must come down. Coming off the caffeine absorption from coffee causes a much faster drop than if you consume your caffeine through tea. The caffeine in coffee is absorbed quicker by your body compared to a cup made from tea because the caffeine content in tea is spread over a larger period of time due to the multiple steepings .
Since it is recommended one shouldn't consume more than 300 mg of caffeine per day, let's look at the average caffeine amounts in a typical Starbucks© 16 oz cup (Grande) of coffee. Brewed Pike Place has 330 mg., Blonde Roast has 360 mg. and Clover Brewed Coffee has 375 mg.
So if you like a nice brewed cup of coffee, don't have more than 1 a day, because you're already exceeding the recommended level with these popular blends.
But it's not all bad.
In fact, if you drink caffeine in low doses, like ingesting 200 mg. each day, you may be able to boost long-term memory and reduce your risk of suicide. Other studies have suggested caffeine intake may protect against type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, cardiovascular disease and stroke.
The best way to get a healthy dose of caffeine, to achieve the "happiness and energy increase factor" without the quick crash brought on by coffee, is to drink blooming tea, also known as flowering tea.
If you look at the chart, you'll see caffeine in coffee is absorbed faster and gives you a quick high but then a quick crash. But if you drink flowering blooming teas, steeped over multiple times, you can enjoy several cups and extend the caffeine intake for much longer- up to 7 hours.
Blooming teas are made with loose green tea leaves tied together with blooming edible flowers. Green tea's caffeine content for 8 ozs. is between 24 to 45 mg. So you can essentially drink 6 cups at the highest concentration of caffeine and still be under 1 Grande cup of Starbuck's© coffee.
Blooming tea is the perfect way to get a healthy and tasty dose of caffeine. You'll still feel the boost in brain function but without the crash. It also lasts all day and delivers the healthy antioxidants and polyphenols to do our body good. Coffee can't deliver that for you!
For flavorful tea which provides health benefits along with a beautiful flowering experience, there's no better way to enjoy your day than with a cup of Blooming Tea.
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