Woman in a white shirt laughing with laptop for a virtual tea party

Remarkably Easy Tips For Social Online Tea Time

Have you ever thought about hosting a virtual tea party? Connection is everything, and tea is a fantastic social vehicle that makes it happen. If you want to foster lasting relationships with people who live afar, it’s time for digital tea! 

Maybe you don’t live close enough to your favorite people to enjoy afternoon tea in person. That’s okay! It doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy tea together anyway, it just takes a little creativity.

We have some ideas for your online tea party and they start with a theme. Here are 5 of our favorites for an online tea party.

5 Fun Themes for Your Online Tea Party

A party is much easier to plan when a theme is involved. It gives you parameters and solid direction so you can get it sorted out in no time. Here are some easy virtual tea party themes to spark the creative energy!

1. A Computer, a Cuppa, and a Chat

Woman with a teacup and laptop for a virtual tea party

If you want to keep it easy and basic, this is the way to go. This is also an excellent theme if you’re hosting a fairly large group of people. The best part is it involves almost no work on your end. 

A virtual tea party doesn’t need to be complicated. Simply ask your group to make their favorite tea and join you online. It really is as simple as that!

If you’re all fairly close, just let the conversation flow like it does naturally. There’s nothing better than chatting away and growing even closer than before — and all over a cup of tea.

2. Virtual Tea Tasting Party

Tea tasting for a virtual tea party

A virtual tea tasting is a little more involved. But if everyone is on board, it’s a fun way to try new teas together. There are a few ways to go about hosting this kind of virtual tea party. 

If you’re feeling extra generous, send everyone in your group a few kinds of tea for the tasting. These individually wrapped tea sachets are pre-packaged and perfect for a tasting. You can also purchase canisters of loose-leaf tea and divide it into little baggies. 

If you want to go the extra mile, gift each of them a universal infuser. This way all of you can easily make your tea together while you’re on the call.

You can make this process simpler for yourself. Simply send the invitees links to the different teas or products. Be mindful and stick with only a few teas so your invitees don’t have to break the bank.

3. Bookish Online Tea Time

Teacup with a book and rose petals for a book club virtual tea party

Books and tea are a perfect pair. If your people are bookworms, an online tea-time book club might be the ideal event for you. 

To host this virtual tea party, you must agree on a book. You can meet together after you’ve read the book or meet multiple times to discuss each section.

We are big fans of classic stories that feature tea, like Pride and Prejudice or Alice in Wonderland. But, what you decide to read is completely up to all of you. The book doesn’t need to have anything to do with tea. 

When it’s time for your online party, have some questions ready to go, so you can spark conversation about the book. But maybe, as an icebreaker, have everyone introduce themselves if they don’t know each other already. Everyone can share the kind of tea they’re drinking that day.

4. Meditation and Mindfulness Tea

Person with laptop, book, tea, and blanket with legs crossed at a meditation virtual tea party

Sometimes all you want to do is relax after a very long day. Put a spin on your typical virtual tea party and host a mindfulness tea party. 

Herbal teas are naturally caffeine-free and perfect for this occasion. Green tea and white tea also have less caffeine than black or oolong and may be more relaxing for some people who are a little more sensitive to caffeine. The idea of this tea party is to connect and relax.

How you and your group relax is up to you to decide. Maybe your friends would appreciate being lead my meditation. You can also practice box breathing. 

Tea and mindfulness go hand in hand. You can talk with each other about how tea can help promote mindfulness and relaxation. You can also encourage each other to create your own personal mindfulness tea practice. Set up a space in your home that’s made for just for your personal rejuvenation.

5. Tea and Treat of the Month Club

Tea and pastries for a virtual tea party

Instead of hosting a tea tasting with many teas, consider a tea and treat of the month. This is also a great theme that encourages different people to host every month. 

The host can choose one tea and one snack to pair with that tea. Make sure your guests can easily purchase the tea and treats for this virtual tea party. The easiest way to do this is with links to the product pages.

Will you introduce them to traditional British snacks and a spot of Scottish Breakfast tea? Maybe one month you’ll encourage them to try Japanese sencha with savory rice crackers or sweet mochi. 

Have everyone try the tea and snack at the same time and encourage people to give their honest opinions. It’s a really fun way to try new flavors and textures. This is especially fun if you have friends who want to share their international tea snacks and traditions with you.

Teas and Teaware for Hosting Your Online Tea Party

Once the party is over, send your friends thank you notes. Encourage them to attend the next tea party. It’s a fun habit that we hope you can cultivate with the right people. 

If you’re looking for delicious organic teas and teaware to host your tea party, Teabloom has you covered. Their beautiful collection of teaware is ideal for virtual tea parties and it’s affordable so no one has to break the bank if they’re new to all of this. Their teas are USDA Certified Organic and they’re available in 100% compostable tea sachets and loose-leaf canisters. 

Teabloom is on a mission to clean up the tea industry. They want you to experience the purest, most delicious tea, and enjoy it in teaware that’s made with your health in mind. They also want you to cultivate connection and they believe that there’s no better way to do this than through tea. 

Explore Teabloom’s vast teaware collection today for timeless pieces that fit your aesthetic. 

What kind of virtual tea party do you want to host? Drop a comment below. We want to hear your amazing ideas!
