Someone writing in an open notebook on a holiday-decorated table with the words New Year's Goals and a numbered list.

The Best Goals for a Better Life and Planet

Ringing in the New Year means jotting down personal goals and healthy habits you want to pursue. You might set monstrous goals and clamor to get to the gym or write that novel. After a few weeks, you burn out and quit. 

Having large goals is great if you have a process in place to accomplish them. But, being realistic with your goals is also key to getting to the finish line. Small steps make an incredible difference.

Don’t make your New Year goals enormous. Instead, make them small and seemingly insignificant. 

Small, insignificant goals manifest results that have an astounding impact on your life. Some of our favorites are tea goals. 

When you set tea resolutions, you create healthier routines for yourself. Some of these also have a wide impact the environment and world around you. 

Changing out your teapot. Learn where your tea comes from. Host a tea party.

Little goals, rituals, and habits can change your personal life, influence your social circle, and sustain the planet.

Let’s dive into some of our favorite and easy tea resolutions that will make a tremendous difference this year. 

1. Seek Responsibly Sourced Teas

Woman plucking tea leaves on tea plantation

Do you know exactly where your tea comes from? The tea industry is a huge place and not all tea businesses source their teas and products responsibly. 

One of your tea resolutions can be seeking out reputable tea suppliers and teaware businesses. Find a few that make it a point to create their products with a helpful global mission in mind. 

These USDA-Certified Organic teas are grown on small tea plantations. They are Fair Trade certified and Teabloom is proud to have close connections with all of their suppliers —  from their tea manufacturers to their blenders and their teaware glass artists. Every item in Teabloom’s collection is made with your health and the world's wellness in mind.

2. Switch To Healthier Teaware

Modern glass teaware set with pink natural rock coasters on a white table with pastries.

You might wonder why Teabloom only carries glass teaware — it’s not just for looks. There are immense health benefits to using this special material. 

It’s called borosilicate glass. This glass is traditionally used in laboratories as a strong and chemical-free material. 

The founders at Teabloom wanted to create a line of teaware that was made from chemical-free and sustainable materials. 

A lot of traditional porcelain and metallic teaware is made with materials that leach cadmium and lead into your tea. This is detrimental to your health and the environment. Teabloom’s borosilicate glass teaware is easy to care for, strong, and lead-free. 

This tea resolution is easy. Simply switch out your porcelain or metallic teaware for sustainable and healthier borosilicate glass teaware.

3. Practice Mindful Tea Drinking

Woman sitting in chair with knees up drinking tea and practicing tea resolutions

Tea is wonderful to use as fuel and excellent for practicing mindfulness. If you read our recent blog about Hygge, you understand the importance of living in the moment and harmonizing with those around you. Mindfulness and tea resolutions mesh together perfectly to create moments you can share with others or enjoy on your own.

Practice simple mindfulness as a tea ritual by making a cup of tea just for you. Pay attention to every nuance and take your time as you intentionally concentrate on what’s happening in the present moment. 

Once your tea is ready to drink, enjoy every sip and focus only on this simple task. Practicing mindfulness allows you to release the worries of the past and free yourself from the anxiety of the future. 

4. Support Small Tea Businesses

A beautiful glass teapot with a teacup and blooming tea on a wooden board with a berry pastry in front of a white fireplace and twinkling lights.

The best tea businesses are small ones that make a big difference. Teaware providers, like Teabloom, are small enough to pivot quickly if they need to reset or re-focus their goals. But since day one, Teabloom has been on a mission to clean up the tea industry. 

Their unique teaware is handcrafted and designed with ethical intent in mind from start to finish. 

They may be a small tea company, but they have the largest selection of exquisite borosilicate glass teaware on the market, today. Do your part and create a tea resolution to seek out and support small tea businesses striving to make a positive and lasting impact in the world.

5. Host a Tea Party

Afternoon tea party tiered stand with scones and sweets

Have you ever hosted a tea party? Make a tea resolution to host an annual tea party. If you’ve never hosted before, we have a grand list of tea party ideas that will make all of your guests smile. 

Choose a theme to plan and gather the materials and decor you’ll need for the event. This is an excellent way to connect with your friends or community. It’s an exciting opportunity to build deeper relationships with people. 

Pro Tip: If you’re hosting an afternoon tea keep it between 3 and 6 people at the most. This is a manageable number of guests that keeps the party intimate and still detailed and elaborate. This kind of party usually involves scones, sandwiches, and small savories and desserts.

6. Learn How to Steep Tea the Right Way

A large modern glass pitcher with infused citrus iced tea and a cup of iced tea on a dark stone slab with twinkling lights in the background.

Did you know there is a right way to steep tea? Black tea steeps at a different temperature than green or white tea. Different kinds of teas need shorter or longer steeping times for their flavorful bouquets to bloom. If you don’t steep your tea properly, you probably won't experience the full range of its true flavor. 

Starting with the right kind of fresh water is key to making a delicious pot of tea. Never use water that has been previously boiled and cooled down because it changes the flavor. Make a tea resolution to learn how to steep your favorite teas the right way so you can enjoy all of your favorite hot teas and iced teas!

7. Learn About Different Tea Cultures and Traditions

Woman in kimono practicing Japanese tea ceremony

Have you explored tea traditions and cultures outside of your own? Whether you come from Eastern or Western roots, discovering new ways to drink and make tea is always fun and exciting. 

Make a tea resolution this coming year to learn about one or two tea cultures you’re unfamiliar with. Try different tea recipes, experience tea rituals, and try different teas that you’ve never tasted before. 

The history of tea is prominent in so many cultures. Learn about the Japanese tea ceremony, the butter tea bowls of Tibet, and savory salty pink noon chai.

8. Create a Healthy Tea Routine or Ritual

Woman’s hands holding a glass cup of hot coffee with foam on a marble coaster with an open book and a cozy blanket as a tea resolution practice.

You can do yourself and the world so much good by improving just a little bit of your tea routine to make it healthier. It starts with the right kind of teaware and we believe borosilicate glass is the best there is. It’s not only strikingly beautiful, but it’s functional and sustainable. 

Make a tea resolution to create a morning tea ritual to reflect on the day ahead. Or create an evening ritual to relax and unwind. 

Afternoon tea rituals are cherished in Western cultures and enjoyed for their extravagant finger sandwiches and scones. This is a fun treat and can be a delightful respite in the middle of your day. 

Whatever tea routine you decide to create, make it fun, easy, and enjoyable. 

9. Switch to Compostable Tea Bags

Silk pyramid tea bags with tea leaves

Switching out your tea bags for loose-leaf tea is by far the best thing you can do for your health and the planet. Tea bags are notorious for wreaking havoc and mayhem in landfills. But, if you insist on continuing with the tea bag usage, we recommend using compostable tea bags. 

Teabloom has created a line of 100% compostable tea bags that return to the earth in only two months. They are filled with high-quality whole-leaf teas — never tea dust — and they were invented to combat the mass-manufactured tea bags that are causing so many issues. 

Start Your New Year Tea Resolutions

Blooming tea garden tea sampler box with a teapot and tea mug with blooming tea flowers on a white table as a suggestion for a New Year tea resolution.

The easiest place to start your tea wellness journey is right here. Teabloom is your healthy home and clean solution for all things tea. From their borosilicate glass teaware to their ethically sourced teas, you’ll find everything you need to get started on the right foot this coming year. 

Reach your tea goals and change the world around you one small cup of tea at a time. Every little change makes a real and lasting difference. 

Happy New Year!