tea drinking countries The world seems to have be separated into the people who love coffee and the people who prefer tea. Surprisingly or not, there are more tea drinkers in the world than coffee. In fact, tea is the second most popular drink after water. Nowadays, tea has reached every corner of the world and today people drink it in every form imaginable. So, here are the top tea drinking countries in the world.

Tea Drinking Countries #1 - Turkey 

tea drinking countries The first on the top drinking countries list is Turkey. Turkish tea is incredibly popular both in Turkey and among the neighboring nations. Moreover, it is a cornerstone of Turkish culture. It is definitely the most popular hot drink in the country. Tea is only a popular Turkish drink since the 20th century though. It was an alternative to coffee, which had become expensive and very rare. Soon after that, tea replaced coffee as the standard drink of Turkish life. Tea is not only a delight to taste in Turkey; it’s also aesthetically delightful. The Turks serve their teas in quaint little glasses which allow you to see the color of your tea as you drink it. Herbal teas are popular with tourists here, though the natives view herbal teas as largely medicinal. The normal, run-of-the-mill Turkish black tea is the traditional tea for natives.

#2 Morocco

tea drinking countries With the second highest consumer of tea worldwide, the list returns to Africa. In Morocco, the residents have many different tea preparation techniques and prefer green and mint teas. Maghrebi style tea is quite popular and includes both mint and tobacco leaves. Hosts and servers pour tea from a high position in order to create a foam on the top of the cup. With such an entertaining practice, it comes as no surprise that people in Morocco drink 9.6 pounds per year!

#3 Ireland 

Tea was introduced to Ireland in the 19th century, by Anglo-Irish aristocracy who imported it from India. In the beginning, tea was far too expensive to afford for the poor Irish people. However, once it became commonplace, the prices dropped and the nation was hooked. The Irish word for tea is “tae”, pronounced “tay”. Though Irish is spoken by a minority of the population, tea is more commonly referred to as “tae” even among Irish Anglophones. Usually, people in Ireland drink tea hot, with milk and sugar as options for consumers. The national average is four cups per person per day.

#4 Mauritania

tea drinking countries The fourth highest tea consuming country is Mauritania, a nation in western Africa. In Mauritania, culture dictates serving tea as a ceremonial event. People serve three different cups of tea in one sitting. It is usually beginning with bitter and gradually becoming sweeter. Mauritania is the first on the list with a preference for green tea. The consumption rate is 7.1 pounds per person per year.

#5 United Kingdom 

tea drinking countries Kicking off the top five is the UK. You might have thought Britain would be the first on the list, considering English tea is one of the most popular in the world. Britons drink tea throughout the day, with breakfast tea being one of the more popular options. Tea in the UK is generally taken black, sometimes with lemon, and served with milk. It was first introduced to the country as an upper class drink in the 18th century when the British Empire was at its peak. Nowadays, it is an incredibly popular drink across all classes and generations. Cream tea and afternoon tea retain some of that imperial elitism in tea shops across the country. Tea is one of the most popular drinks globally. It is an everyday, throughout the day beverage. These are the top tea drinking countries where tea is incredibly popular. For more tea facts and interesting stories, visit Teabloom.