Terrific Chinese Zodiac Tea Pairings to Energize Your Life - Part 1
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Terrific Chinese Zodiac Tea Pairings to Energize Your Life - Part 1

The Most Practical Teas to Bring Out the Best in You
Whether you believe in it or not, the Chinese Zodiac is so much fun! Legend has it that the Jade Emperor held a race of animals to create a measurement for time. The basic calendar repeats every 12 years, starting with the rat — the winner of the race. The full Chinese Zodiac calendar is complex and includes elements of the earth and yin-yang.
Your distinct Chinese Zodiac symbol coincides with the year you were born, and each animal has a distinct personality. Below, you’ll not only discover what makes your sign unique but you’ll also find two tea pairings to bring out your best traits and combat your natural tendencies.
In this post, we’ll run through the first six winners of the Great Race — the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, and snake. In part two — next week — we’ll continue our tea pairing adventure with the final six winners:
Year of the Rat - The Practical Charmer
Chinese Zodiac Years:
1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020, 2032
Chinese Zodiac Personality:
You are naturally charming and more talkative than most people, which is a trait that may serve you well in certain social situations. But watch your tongue and be mindful when you catch yourself in the middle of gossiping. Try to stop yourself from being overly critical of others and so cutthroat.
Your resourcefulness will serve you well and your frugality is a common practice in your day-to-day routine. But remember to open your wallet every now and then and treat yourself to something special. Try to enjoy all that your ambition has earned you.
Tea Pairing to Enhance Your Best Traits:
Sencha Medley Tea will bring out your most logical and practical characteristics. Made with premium green sencha tea, this blend gives you a boost of energy so you can focus on the tasks at hand.
Tea Pairing to Combat Your Natural Tendencies:
White Vanilla Nougat Tea will force you outside of your comfort zone and challenge your logical routine and your frugality. This outlandish tea is a real treat that can help you decompress in the evening thanks to its low caffeine level.
Year of the Ox - The Diligent Worker
Chinese Zodiac Years:
1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033
Chinese Zodiac Personality:
You like to roll up your sleeves and put in a hard day’s work — it’s what you do best. Working hard is satisfying, rewarding, and gives you purpose. But, sometimes you can be stubborn, which can stifle your ability to pivot and grow. Try to put your pride aside and leave room for unexpected opportunities.
Your diligence and reliability make you an excellent partner in business and in life. You’re the one your friends rely on for support. You’re patient and gentle and have a big heart. Remember to decompress after a hard day’s work and be as forgiving with yourself as you are with those around you.
Tea Pairing to Enhance Your Best Traits:
Peach Orange Oolong Tea will give you the energy you need to work hard and get the job done. It’s a vibrant blend of green and black tea with a moderate amount of caffeine.
Tea Pairing to Combat Your Natural Tendencies:
White Ginger Pear Tea will help you decompress after a long day’s work. With only a light amount of caffeine, this delicate tea has detoxifying ginger and sweet pear notes to help you unwind and reset.
Year of the Tiger - The Adventurer
Chinese Zodiac Years:
1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022, 2034
Chinese Zodiac Personality:
You have a fiery and magnetic personality that exudes confidence and imagination. You love the thrill of a new adventure and forging new paths — sometimes without much thought to the repercussions. Be careful and don’t move forward too quickly on your own. Take a step back to look at the bigger picture and consider those in your circle.
At times, you have idealistic dreams and goals that may be a little more selfish than you care to admit. While you tend to be brave and move forward in the presence of danger, you can also be a little reckless. Be sure to include those closest to you in your plans, especially when it comes to your biggest decisions.
Tea Pairing to Enhance Your Best Traits:
Minted Mango Peach Tea is a delightful and vibrant blend that promotes your want for adventure. It’s reflective of your naturally spirited personality.
Tea Pairing to Combat Your Natural Tendencies:
Lemon Mint Chamomile Tea is an herbal blend that will help you get into a state of calm and relaxation. You’ll need to find your center so you can start your day with fresh and clear-minded energy.
Year of the Rabbit - The Romantic
Chinese Zodiac Years:
1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023, 2035
Chinese Zodiac Personality:
You’re a sensitive and kind person and people find you agreeable from first acquaintance. You have a sense of refinement about you and an artistic observant eye that serves you well when you analyze and weigh others. But, be careful that your judgmental habits and negativity don’t sever a potentially fruitful relationship.
You’re a romantic and have many admirers. Your ever-watchful eye and intelligence mean you seek out the best path forward that can lead to your desired outcome. Remember to take a leap of faith every once in a while and try to practice a little more spontaneity and unplanned fun.
Tea Pairing to Enhance Your Best Traits:
Jasmine Pearl Tea has a classic and refined look and sweet floral flavor. It’s an ideal tea for those seeking wisdom and for those who love reflection and observation.
Tea Pairing to Combat Your Natural Tendencies:
Wildberry Melange Tea is a spontaneous herbal blend of bold and fragrant flavors. Try a unique tea blend that helps you break out of your everyday routine.
Year of the Dragon - The Visionary
Chinese Zodiac Years:
1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024, 2036
Chinese Zodiac Personality:
You’re a go-getter who has a vision and will make it happen, even if that means working around the clock and pushing everything and everyone else aside to do so. You are an outspoken person with a contagious energy that attracts a lot of admirers. Your generosity is known by many in your professional and personal circles.
Perfectionism is a part of your everyday life which may lead to an inflated ego and frustration with those around you who aren’t performing to your standards. You can be impatient and feisty if someone gets on your bad side. Try to practice compassion and forgiveness with those around you — but more importantly with yourself.
Tea Pairing to Enhance Your Best Traits:
Formosa Oolong Tea will fuel you for all your endeavors and satisfy your upscale standards. This exquisite tea has a buttery mouthfeel and sweet orchid notes. It’s harvested from the Wuyi Mountains in the Fujian Provence.
Tea Pairing to Combat Your Natural Tendencies:
Raspberry Hibiscus Bloom Tea is an herbal blend that will help you decompress after your long day of productivity. It’s naturally caffeine free and loaded with antioxidants. It’s also a beautiful-looking tea with pieces of dried fruit throughout.
Year of the Snake - The Deep Thinker
Chinese Zodiac Years:
1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025, 2037
Chinese Zodiac Personality:
You’re a deep thinker whose mind is always active and reflective — you’re genuinely curious about the world around you. Your calculating personality means you get far in life, and your soft-spoken nature gives you a sense of allure. You love admiration, but can easily become jealous and hold grudges or even seek revenge.
It’s wise for you to practice forgiveness and learn to let go of negative feelings — and even let go of negative people. Be aware of your skepticism of others and over-confidence in yourself. Try to open your mind to the opinions and ideas of others so you can learn from their wisdom instead of the mistakes from your own experiences.
Tea Pairing to Enhance Your Best Traits:
White Tip Oolong Tea will give you a focused mindset and help you get into a state of flow. This thought-promoting tea is one of the most prized oolongs and has a beautiful floral and peach pit flavor profile that lingers for hours.
Tea Pairing to Combat Your Natural Tendencies:
Cape Orange Quince Tea is full of antioxidants to help you detoxify after a long day of thoughtful work and contemplation. This herbal blend is made of a rooibos base and it’s naturally caffeine free. It helps soothe you and promotes calm energy.
Exquisite Teas and Teaware
Stay tuned next week for part two of Chinese Zodiac tea pairings. You’ll learn about the last six winners of the race — the horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig. And in the meantime, share these fun tea pairings with your friends and family to help bring out their best traits.
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